I'm so glad Friday has finally arrived... it's going to be a busy weekend, but a fun one, as I get to spend it with these fabulous girls. Let the story wars begin!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Flashback
I'm so glad Friday has finally arrived... it's going to be a busy weekend, but a fun one, as I get to spend it with these fabulous girls. Let the story wars begin!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Junior Auxiliary's Catfish & Khakis 2009...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
100 Days to Christmas!

Who knew?!? Today marks exactly 100 days 'til Christmas! I have to admit that I miserably failed the 100 Days to Christmas Challenge last year. Christmas '08 was a blur due to the launch of Address to Impress and getting ready for our first January Market in Atlanta.
This year, my business partner Jennifer and I are determined to actually enjoy our Christmas Holidays! While balancing re-orders as well as introducing 100+ new designs for January 2010, we will be ready to 'jingle' with the daily dose of inspiration & motivation from 100 Days to Christmas.
Each day over at 100 Days to Christmas you will find tips, tricks, reminders and goals to make your holidays runs smoothly. They even encourage hand-made, crafted gifts at little to no cost. Hubby will be glad to hear this since we're just a one-income family this year. He's graciously supporting me in pursuing my dream with AtoI and allowing me to focus on it full time. This means minimal shopping for moi.
So join me as I take the 100 Days to Christmas Challenge...
Today’s Goal is to get together My Holiday Planner. This is easy since I love any excuse to buy a new binder! Anyone else miss shopping for school supplies? Okay, I guess I'm ready. Leave me a comment if you plan to join the challenge. Lord knows I'll need plenty of folks holding me accountable!

Don't hold your breath... but I'm going to 'sporadically' try posting again! I'm also challenging myself to post a design a day between now and Christmas over at the Address to Impress blog, so you can get close look at all of the designs you see in our display at Atlanta Market below.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de what?!?

One thing I can tell you is where I'm heading next week... to exhibit at the National Stationery Show in New York! I've been swamped to say the least. I can honestly say I've never been quite so thrilled and excited about something while at the same time so physically nauseated by its prospect, in my whole life. The butterflies and insomnia have officially set in. It's crazy to think that I will have a booth, where people might stop by... to actually buy paper products... from ME!?! Even with business going as well as it has, I'm still in awe when the fax rings or I reload the web page to see new orders to process. Our 27 sales reps are doing wonders for us... Address to Impress is in over 100 stores in 12 states just since January! That's in under 4 months. I can't wait to see what shelves we adorn in 2010.
None of this eases the worry that I have about our invitations not looking right against the unseen shade of chocolate foam core that was purchased months ago...or that everyone will smile pleasantly and then just walk right by us... without giving us a second thought. I'm so super nervous and really need to get back to work on the press kits. I have no clue how I will get everything done on my 'to do' list before I leave for the Big Apple in a week. But I also know that somehow, some way, I will make it all happen. If not, it's because HE had different plans. Everything somehow always comes together magically exactly as its supposed to... which is something I need to remind myself at 4:15 am when I can't sleep because I just remembered something else I almost forgot to do, like order the carbon copy order forms!
It will all work out... it will be fine. It must. Otherwise, I'll be forced to polish the resume 'cause Hubby will insist that I go back to working for someone else. And if it doesn't, stop back here in a couple of months to find some bargain basement deals on 12 tons of fabulous invitations and note cards by Address to Impress.
Literally, we are currently warehousing 12 tons of paper at the moment. Yes, we are prepared for the '09 Autumn & Holidays. So bring on the family photos for our 75+ new holiday photo card designs!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
To Market, to Market

And I'm off...