So where have I been? Well, these days I'm not quite sure. By the looks of pictures that I need to upload and share, I've been to Atlanta and Dallas for the gift markets... to Columbus, OH for a DG recruitment workshop... to Aspen skiing with Hubby... to Jackson for Kelly's engagement party... to Corinth for Lyndsey's bridal shower... to Tupelo for Jade's baby shower... to Gulf Shores for Kelly's bachelorette party... and on a train to New Orleans for Kelly's wedding last weekend. I know there's lots more but I seriously get anxiety thinking about recapping it all.
One thing I can tell you is where I'm heading next week... to exhibit at the National Stationery Show in New York! I've been swamped to say the least. I can honestly say I've never been quite so thrilled and excited about something while at the same time so physically nauseated by its prospect, in my whole life. The butterflies and insomnia have officially set in. It's crazy to think that I will have a booth, where people might stop by... to actually buy paper products... from ME!?! Even with business going as well as it has, I'm still in awe when the fax rings or I reload the web page to see new orders to process. Our 27 sales reps are doing wonders for us... Address to Impress is in over 100 stores in 12 states just since January! That's in under 4 months. I can't wait to see what shelves we adorn in 2010.
None of this eases the worry that I have about our invitations not looking right against the unseen shade of chocolate foam core that was purchased months ago...or that everyone will smile pleasantly and then just walk right by us... without giving us a second thought. I'm so super nervous and really need to get back to work on the press kits. I have no clue how I will get everything done on my 'to do' list before I leave for the Big Apple in a week. But I also know that somehow, some way, I will make it all happen. If not, it's because HE had different plans. Everything somehow always comes together magically exactly as its supposed to... which is something I need to remind myself at 4:15 am when I can't sleep because I just remembered something else I almost forgot to do, like order the carbon copy order forms!
It will all work out... it will be fine. It must. Otherwise, I'll be forced to polish the resume 'cause Hubby will insist that I go back to working for someone else. And if it doesn't, stop back here in a couple of months to find some bargain basement deals on 12 tons of fabulous invitations and note cards by Address to Impress.
Literally, we are currently warehousing 12 tons of paper at the moment. Yes, we are prepared for the '09 Autumn & Holidays. So bring on the family photos for our 75+ new holiday photo card designs!
One thing I can tell you is where I'm heading next week... to exhibit at the National Stationery Show in New York! I've been swamped to say the least. I can honestly say I've never been quite so thrilled and excited about something while at the same time so physically nauseated by its prospect, in my whole life. The butterflies and insomnia have officially set in. It's crazy to think that I will have a booth, where people might stop by... to actually buy paper products... from ME!?! Even with business going as well as it has, I'm still in awe when the fax rings or I reload the web page to see new orders to process. Our 27 sales reps are doing wonders for us... Address to Impress is in over 100 stores in 12 states just since January! That's in under 4 months. I can't wait to see what shelves we adorn in 2010.
None of this eases the worry that I have about our invitations not looking right against the unseen shade of chocolate foam core that was purchased months ago...or that everyone will smile pleasantly and then just walk right by us... without giving us a second thought. I'm so super nervous and really need to get back to work on the press kits. I have no clue how I will get everything done on my 'to do' list before I leave for the Big Apple in a week. But I also know that somehow, some way, I will make it all happen. If not, it's because HE had different plans. Everything somehow always comes together magically exactly as its supposed to... which is something I need to remind myself at 4:15 am when I can't sleep because I just remembered something else I almost forgot to do, like order the carbon copy order forms!
It will all work out... it will be fine. It must. Otherwise, I'll be forced to polish the resume 'cause Hubby will insist that I go back to working for someone else. And if it doesn't, stop back here in a couple of months to find some bargain basement deals on 12 tons of fabulous invitations and note cards by Address to Impress.
Literally, we are currently warehousing 12 tons of paper at the moment. Yes, we are prepared for the '09 Autumn & Holidays. So bring on the family photos for our 75+ new holiday photo card designs!
How exciting! I can't wait to read how New York goes. I know you will pull it off and it will be great! Is that the same bag Stacey gave us as bridesmaids in the business card pictured at the top of this post? I thought it looked familiar!
WOW.. I'm out of breath just reading about you! You WILL do great in NY! Have a blast!!! We shall talk later!
Presley, you're so observant! It's definitely the bag Stacey gave us for a bridesmaids gift.
There's nothing like being at a photo shoot and seeing your dirty clothes all wadded up in a cute bag in the trunk of your car & realizing that said bag might actually coordinate with your product for the perfect ad!
Thank you so much for the confidence in me :-) I'll attempt to keep you posted.
I feel guilty for not calling yet but I have so much to tell you! I am swamped until New York is over but the minute I return, you're first on my list. I can't wait to hear all about it. And I LOVE the name! I'm glad you got over the 'WSP' thing. haha
Oh, and I think you can't go wrong with S-Corp or LLC. Hubby made that decision for us.
Thank you so much for the support! Now if you could just breathe for me, I would be good to go.
Glad you are doing so well, busy, but well! Good luck in NYC...I know it will be great. PS- I'm having a baby in 11 days!
Yea!!!!!! You're back! I'm very happy about this!
Nothing about my Bypass??
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