How cute is this mouse pad? I'm going to have to get me one!
I feel like I have so much to post about but no time to do it these days. This month is flying by! I haven't even had time to post about what all I've been up to. I'll try to re-cap the past week...
Attended Saltimbanco and ate at Pearl's Oyster House- both were wonderful; worked the Furniture Market in Tupelo; designed three new invites with Jennifer (during lunch breaks and at night while at Market) for upcoming bridal shower, couples' party, & anniversary party, along with setting up numerous note card orders; rode with Leah to Libby's baby shower in Memphis- had so much fun gabbing with my girlfriends I never see (Mollie Walker, Hailey, and Christi); drove back to Tupelo to celebrate Stacey & Ray's big engagement party; bought a Highlander last night; and now I'm finally looking to buy a laptop this week with Dell before the sale ends.
Whew! I told you a lot has been going on.
Oh, and while I was busy with all of the above, both Blizzard Bailey & Hurricane Hubby decided to touch down at our house. Can you believe that? I mean I just got through with washing all of the long underwear from our trip to New Mexico. I guess you know what I'll be doing this week... cleaning!
As for the birthday recap, I'm finally ready to give one...
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who remembered me with phone calls, texts, e-mails, blog comments, and cards this month. It seems I'm still getting them in the mail! You each know who you are and because of your words, February was extra special. Several of you I do not see or talk to as often as I'd like, so it meant that much more to receive them.
I truly have been spoiled by family, friends, and especially by Hubby this month. The family gave me mostly money and McCarty. I plan to buy a new laptop this week using my b-day $$!
The travel coordinator (read I) booked our ski trip during my birthday so I could have the day off of work since it fell on a Monday this year. Hubby bought me ski boots and a cute top from Lola. We also had an incredible dinner at Joseph's Table in Taos. We actually dined in one of the three booths that are recessed and can be private by drawing a curtain, which makes the cubby holes look like a Turkish harem. The complimentary dessert was the icing on the cake!

Yep, I'm all double black diamonds now! Just wait 'til our trip to Jackson next year, Stacey.

You sit elevated on cushions, Indian style!
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