I have forced Hubby to share this walk-in closet with me for the past year...
(180 degree view from left to right)
Is that ridiculous or what???
I know, I know. I should be ashamed.
Now, don't go criticizing. Just because I'm not "neat" doesn't mean I'm not "organized." I always have stuff strewn all over the place but I know where everything is. So do many other entrepreneurs, salespeople, and creative people. A lot of us are the "out of sight, out of mind" type of people. That's why I like to have little organized piles all over the house.
I decided I would just dive in and start dragging it out into the bathroom & bedroom (on the bed, floors, etc.). I figured this would force me to go through it all before my parents come in town this weekend.
So, I took a trip to Garden Ridge for the baskets and a second dirty clothes hamper. I like to separate my colors from my whites for quicker washing.
And here are the results:
Okay, so I know it's not color coordinated or anything like that but I'm just too busy trying to sell fabric and design paper products to worry with all of that. Hubby's just glad you can actually see the floors and walk-in the closet!
Lastly, what should I do with all of this stuff? The majority of it is NOT junk. It's either too small to wear or not "In Style". Should I have a yard sale? I've never personally had one but my experience with them is that people expect you to just give it away. If that's the case, I would just as soon donate it to GoodWill.
Do any of you have any experience of selling on E-bay? I've bought on there plenty of times but I've never sold anything. Any tips or suggestions?